Representative Clients
(past and present)
Amoco Production Company
Amerada Hess
Arco Oil and Gas Company
Bank of America
Bank of Durango
Bill Barrett Corporation
BP America Production Company
Bronco Pipeline Company
Burlington Resources Oil & Gas Company LP
Catamount Energy Partners, LLC
Chevron U.S.A., Inc.
Citizens Bank
Coldwell Banker - Heritage House
Colorado Petroleum Association
ConocoPhillips Company
DJR Assets, LLC
Durango Herald
Enduring Resources IV, LLC
Energen Resources Corporation
EnerVest Management Partners, Ltd.
Hilcorp Energy Company
Huntington Energy Company
Kinder Morgan CO 2 Company, L.P.
Koch Exploration Co., LCC
La Plata County Energy Council
Pagosa Lakes Property Owners Association
Pine River Valley Bank
Red Barn Lumber
Red Cedar Gathering Company
Red Willow Production Company
Samson Resources, Inc.
San Juan Nurseries
Sara Lee Fresh, Inc.
SG Interests, Ltd.
Shell E&P Company
Spellbring Construction
Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Inc.
Shell Trading (US) Company
Swift Energy Operating, LLC
Sunshine Gardens
Terra Energy Partners
Vastar Resources, Inc.
Vectra Bank
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
Williams Four Corners
XTO Energy Inc.